Do you believe in ghosts? Story #2

Another paranormal encounter unveiled. This was a guest post I wrote for Mother/Gamer/Writer during my recent BLOOD LIFE book tour.

I love the idea that we are not alone. And I don’t mean aliens, although aliens are cool, too. I mean ghosts, spirits, beings, guardian angels, apparitions, entities, orbs, whatever you want to call them; I love them. And I completely believe because I’ve had experiences throughout my life that have proven to me that they exist, and if we allow ourselves to see them, we just might.

So, I thought it’d be fun to share one of my encounters with you. Hopefully it will open you up to do the same here and not be afraid to comment on what I’ve shared.

When I was 10-going-on-20, my parents left my brother in charge of me while they went out on the town for a date night. My brother was kind of a rebellious brat and took off with some friends instead, leaving me home alone! But, honestly, I didn’t mind. I just locked myself in tight and decided to take a bath, listening to the TV in the background.

While I was in the bathtub, the TV volume shot all the way up. The really eerie thing was that this was back in the early 80’s. We didn’t have a remote control. You had to physically turn a knob on the TV to turn it up, and that particular knob made a lot of static-y noise while it was being turned up—which it did! I sat up wide-eyed for a moment, deciding what to do. I slowly stood up, gathered my robe, and ventured out to investigate. I was a pretty brave little kid. There I stood defiantly in my parents’ bedroom in front of the TV, just staring at it, feeling the baby hairs on the nape of my neck rising and the skin on my back crawling. It was not a welcoming feeling, and the room seemed to close in on me a little. I realized I was scared, truly scared because I could feel something in the room with me, and it didn’t seem friendly or welcoming.

I backed away from the TV and onto my parent’s bed. That’s when my brother came home. I was so glad to see him. I told him what happened and he tried to convince me I was imagining things. I explained the knob and the volume and all that, but he shrugged it off and went to bed. I promptly followed him.

As I lie in my own bed, with the sheets up to my nose, still feeling uneasy, I looked at the open doorway to find beautiful, Victorian-looking men and women waltzing by my bedroom door! It was incredible. And soothing. I must have watched this go on for an hour before I heard keys in the front door. My parents had returned, and the beautiful “friendly” ghosts ceased to dance down our hallway.

To this day, I’m not sure what that was all about. The dancing figures were beautiful and warm and left me with a sense of serenity. They were not threatening at all; however, the force that turned up the TV was, because my intuition reacted very differently. What do you think? Was my house truly being haunted that night by two sets of entities, or was it just a girl alone at home with a vivid imagination . . . and mild telekinesis? 😉